Joint pain is one of the many many symptoms of perimenopause and menopause, but if we know what are the best supplements for menopause joint pain, we can really help with making things a little better.
Does this sound like you?
One of your joints hurt. This could be you hip, your, knee, your spine, even your big toe!
There is nothing that quite seems to hit the spot when it comes to pain relief and there is swelling in the area.
You think it must be arthritis or maybe it is good old age! Bleurgh.
But could it be that Perimenopause or Menopause are causing these issues?
So what are the best supplements for menopause joint pain?
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I have not tried all of these supplements but I have looked at all the reviews, inspected ingredients and drawn on my own experience where I can.
In this post I am going to have a look at what I can see are the top 5 best supplements for menopause joint pain.
Best For Affordability

Vitabiotics Menopace claim to be the UK’s number 1 menopause supplement, so that’s a good start.
This supplement is a specially formulated blend of nutrients to ensure that it meets the ever changing requirements of menopausal women, so it really targets a lot more than just joint pain.
Some of it’s key features and claims:
It supports the balancing of hormones – this is top on the list of things that Menopace Original claims to help with, having B6 in any supplement is definitely going to help with things like hot flushes, mood changes and night sweats.
When looking at overall bone health – Menopace Original includes calcium, vitamin D and magnesium which do wonders for maintaining healthy, strong bones.
Heart healthy vitamins are included – Menopace Original includes antioxidants, B vitamins and magnesium which all promote a lovely, healthy heart!
It also has energy boosters – Menopace is packed with B12 and iron which we definitely need to fight off fatigue.
Skin and Hair Nourishment – Menopace Original also packs in biotin, zinc and selenium which are all great for menopausal hair, which can be dry, and if we are honest, a bit dull.
I enjoyed taking this supplement for all the reasons above, but mostly because when considering the best supplement for menopause joint pain not only does it do the job, it is affordable!
Best For Innovation

Rosa-Canina is the winning ingredient here.
This supplement is made with high levels of GOPO, what is GOPO you ask?
GOPO is a compound made from a rose-hip sub-species called Rosa Canina. This compound may play a valuable role in the care of our joints.
This is the only supplement out there with high levels of GOPO, and the reviews are all saying that GOPO is worth the hype.
This supplement is also rich in Vitamin C which is essential for collagen formation and that is only a good thing when it comes to healthy bones and cartilage.
GOPO also do this supplement with the addition of ginger, which can help with maintaining supple joints and flexibility. Cartwheels anyone?
It is on the pricier side of the options in this list, but it has 200 tablets in the box, so it will keep you going for some time!
Best Overall

This is a great all rounder.
Health & Her supplement states that they help perimenopausal women in 9 ways and I have to say I LOVE this product. (No, I have not been paid to say that)
This supplement did wonders for my joint pain, my fatigue and my sleep!
The 9 ways they help are:
- Hormone Regulation – thank you B6
- Energy – B6, Vitamin C and Magnesium
- Psychological Function – Vitamins B6, B12, C and Magnesium
- Muscles – Vitamin D3 and Magnesium
- Bones – Vitamin C and D3
- Skin, Hair and Nails – Vitamin C
- Testosterone Levels – Zinc
- Cognitive Function – Iron
- Immunity – Iron, Zinc, B12 and Vitamin C
They refer to themselves as the UK’s Number 1 Perimenopause Supplement
A bonus to this supplement is that it comes with an App!
The app helps you keep a track of symptoms, get expert advice and there is a wealth of good perimenopause information on there to help you navigate through this change in your life.
There are many variations to this supplement but it looks like the original is still a firm favourite amongst the community.
Best Botanical Supplement

The Wild Menopause Complex get’s rave reviews and for good reason. It is packed with all the good stuff without ANY of the nasties.
No fillers, binders, artificial preservatives or colourings.
Wild are proud that their process is as close to nature as it can be. Their Food-Grown method is pioneering in this space and helps the body process this supplement with ease.
Some of the key benefits with this supplement is that Wild go a little extra with their ingredents:
- Asgwagandha for energy and mental wellbeing
- Green Tea and Milk Thistle for antioxidant support
- Turmeric for healthy joints
Another thing I love about this brand is that you get a glass bottle with your first purchase but then you can buy the refills.
They really are trying to do things right.
It is on the pricey side but if making sure that everything you are taking is clean and sustainable, then Wild Menopause Complex is the supplement for you.
Best For Number of Ingredients

When it comes to showing off about what you it is you offer, Equi nails it.
Equi Menopause Formula has over 48 premium nutrients, they have won a bunch of awards, they are backed by doctors and there are no nasties involved.
There are a lot of things in this supplement and a couple are there to help with joint pain, but most seem to be focused around mood, energy and skin.
If you want to improve your mood, energy levels, skin and hair, then this would be a great supplement.
But we are tying to find the best supplements for menopause joint pain, so the jury is out for me on this one.
A little more digging might need to be done to see if I can come across reviews that show the effect on joint pain.
Wrapping Up
Finding the best supplements for menopause joint pain will always come down to what works for you and often is a case of trial and error.
Health & Her worked best for me.
Like I said, I have not tried all the supplements in the world but I do know that there are lots out there and some focus on particular pain points more than others.
If you are suffering from joint pain, my first bit of advice is always go and speak to your GP. Rule out anything that might not be hormonal and go from there.
You can definitely find relief with supplements but when it comes to joint pain other options might work better, like gentle exercise, pain managements, ice packs and I am sure more.
The most important thing you can do, is speak to the professionals and make sure you get the correct help but listen, taking a menopause suppliment could really help.
Kathryn x
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional, herbal or physical therapist, and I am not educated in the menopause space. All opinions expressed on this blog are my own and should not be taken as medical advice. This blog is intended to share my personal experiences and insights, and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. Please consult a qualified medical professional, herbal or physical therapist for any health-related concerns. Additionally, I strive to keep things light and entertaining, but please keep in mind that the topics discussed on this blog may be sensitive or triggering for some readers.
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