Less Sociable During Menopause Contents Does feeling less sociable during menopause sound like this to you? All of a sudden but not all at once you have realised that very slowly you have started to withdraw...
Estrogen Gel – What do you need to know? I will start by saying that I have 1.5mg of estrogen gel every day, and I am happy to share my experience. There is a lot of other bits of info I found when...
Contents in Sore Breasts From Menopause Having sore breasts from menopause is something that I find I don’t read about as often as you would think. I had breast tenderness so bad that it would make...
Feeling meh and trying to find relief from menopause bloating? Yeah, I hear ya. Let me tell you a very quick story about menopause bloating. before I was diagnosed as being perimenopausal I looked 6 months...